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“Bridging the Digital Divide",Paulina Haselhorst ,November 18, 2015



TITLE:  School invest on technology equipment to teach student computer literacy


What do you think is it all about?


      - NO IDEA




     - None.





       In today's world, businesses no matter big or small is using technology to improve their business performance. This is an indicator that develop a skill related on technology example like using of Adobe Photoshop, programming skills, digital marketing, Web Design, Multi Media and many more. So it its become mandatory that school should invest in their technology equipment in order to prepare students to meet modern expectations. Teacher are also encourage to utilize all the technology equipment in teaching.




 Things That I've learned


> Grade school and high school are starting to invest technology Equipments 


> There is a gap between school can afford to invest in technology and school who can't afford.




 Integrative Questions


>  What is Digital Divide ?


>  Will the government do to help the school give funds to the school who can't afford technology equipment ?



























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