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“Facial recognition at the U.S. border: convenient or scary?",Holly Richmond ,January 29, 2016



TITLE:  Illegal Immigrants


What do you think is it all about?


      - Strong surveillance and security on who are the people getting into the country




     - None.





    I think this is a good way to improve country's security. I do think country's Security should use biometric tests like iris scans, fingerprints, and facial photographs to speed up border crossings and prevent terrorism. 

The US spend millions of dollar to tighten up their border. Since they are aware that there are a lot of illegal immigrant coming inside the US, they don't know who they are, they don't know where are they from, they don't know if the people coming in the country are criminals or not. Facial recognition would be a good and effective way to monitoring the people. I think this technology will help strengthen up country's security and help the bureau of immigration do their job.   


5 Things That I've learned


> US is spending a lot of money on protecting its border


> Facial Technology is being implemented on bureau of Immigration






5 Integrative Questions


>  What is facial recognition ?


> Why they are using this technology ?






















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