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“Is ethical smartphone” an oxymoron?",Holly Richmond, March 28, 2016



TITLE:  Material waste from smartphone


What do you think is it all about?


      - I got no idea




     - None.





     This is an interest topic to me. I didn't know what it takes to make an smartphone, i didn't know the material used in smartphone is harder to recycle than plastic bottle and glasses, it causes environment pollution. It is sad to hear the truth. Smartphone has tremendous improve our life, with this devices you can do so much things like watching video, communicate, play games, and even use it for payment. I think in this era is hard for people not to use smartphone, i bet a lot of people doesn't even know smartphone causes waste in our environment. Hopefully, someday these smartphone producer will considering coming up with an environmental friendly smartphone. 


5 Things That I've learned


> Smartphone contribute to environment pollution.


> Apple manufacturing company in china should treat their worker with care.


> Material used in smartphone is hard to recycle. 





5 Integrative Questions


>  How can we help minimize waste ?


>  How can we spread awareness of this topic ?


>  What government should do with these Big tech company's unethical practices ?



















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