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on September 30, 2018 at 4:01:01 pm



"Live streaming & live tweeting: a pragmatic approach to ethical considerations.",  Vanacker, Bastiaan, July 27, 2018




TITLE:  Technology Ethics, Discipline and Responsibility


What do you think is it all about?


  - Something has to do with psychology, philosophy 




  - “Ethics emerges as a human phenomenon, permanently unfinished. We, collectively, made it up, and have developed, refined, and distorted it, generation by generation. Ethics should be understood as a project --the ethical project-- in which we have been engaged for most of our history as a species.” This a functionalist view sees ethics as a set of guidelines that make communal living possible. A successful ethical system is one that can fulfill this function.  




     I think technology brings benefits as well as problem to humankind. Obviously technology nowadays play an important role in our daily life, everything we do has to involve with technology, everywhere we go we can see technology, it just do so much things for us and made our life so much easier.  From this article it talks about the principles, ethics on people using the technology. The tremendous advancement of science and technology has made people think about the relationship between technology and ethics. In other words, whether the development of science and technology should have a moral value orientation. The thinking of the relationship between science and technology and ethics is becoming a problem in today's society. Like in this discussion it talks when it is appropriate to tag someone in a picture and when it isn’t or maybe your filming somebody and upload it on the internet without his/her consent these action comes with responsibility because it could have ruined someone's life. I do see these things happening in around us specially on the social media like someone's scandals, someone's privacy are being taking out without the owner's consent and it can affect their life, they might lose their job, lose their love ones, anything. So i do agree in the discussion that people should have self awareness on what their doing with technologies, you should have standard, values, responsibilities and morals. 


5 Things That I've learned


> People should established ethical principle and values  (human dignity, autonomy, privacy).


> People should have responsible in using digital technologies.





5 Integrative Questions


> Why digital ethics matter ?


> Why is it importance of having ethical principles in the platform like social media ?


> How can people established and value these ethical principles ?


> How can a company like facebook, google protect its user's privacy ?


> How to develop digital ethics ?






















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